How to join?

In order to join NENO an organization has to have been active as a legal body for 6 months, registered in Estonia. It’s activity must indicate involvement in the public interest. After removal of the organization the statute must also indicate that its assets will go to other organizations with similar interests.

These are the criteria that the NENO supervisory board has set for member organizations.

In order to join:

  1. Acquaint yourself with NENO’s activities, members rights and duties.
  2. Think why would Your organization wish to join NENO.
  3. Think what can Your organization do for NENO.
  4. Consider whether services offered by NENO are useful for Your organization.
  5. Consult joining NENO with the supervisory board, managing board or other NENO members.
  6. Be prepared to present the following documents:
  • completed application (in Estonian)
  • Copy of the document indicating insertion of entry in the registry
  • Copy of the statute
  • The fiscal report of your previous year.
  • Activity plan for the present year.
  1. Completed documents can be sent to or NENO, Telliskivi 60a, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia (Telliskivi Creative City, A3 building).

Membership fees:

NENO´s minimum membership fee since 2013 is 36,5 euros (10 cents per day). The recommended payment is connected with the membership organization´s income from the previous year.

Income – recommended fee

Up to 3000 € – 36,5 €
Up to 30,000 € – 70 €
Up to 65,000 € – 100 €
More than 65,000 € – 150 €

The income includes all the finances (endowments, donations, membership fees, etc.) the organization received during one year. Every member informs NENO of its membership payment by March 31st.

The deadline of the payment is April 30th. The member has a right to ask for postponement from NENO´s supervisory board. There are no benefits under the minimum amount. If the member has not made a payment by the deadline or asked for postponement then NENO´s supervisory board has a right to start the member’s dissolution proceedings.

One-time entry fee is 35 €, additionally the present year’s membership fee must be paid. If the organization joins NENO after July 1st then half of the membership fee should be paid. The membership rights are valid after these payments are made.

Neither the one-time entry fee nor the annual membership fees are refundable.