Articles of Association
Vabaühenduste Liit is the legal successor of the Estonian Center of Foundations, which was founded on 10 October 1991.
1. Vabaühenduste Liit (EN: Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations, NENO) is located in Tallinn and its goal is to develop the joint activities of Estonian civil society organizations, advocate for the common interests of its members, disseminate good practices and involve the public and its members in the development of civil society.
2. Any non-profit association or foundation operating in the public interest, whose application is reviewed by the Supervisory Board within one month, may become a member. Membership rights and obligations arise after the entry and membership fees imposed by the General Meeting.
3. The Supervisory Board may, after prior notification, exclude a member who fail to comply with the Code of Ethics, or no longer pay membership fees, or no longer meet the conditions for membership.
4. The Supervisory Board may establish non-memberships (e.g, an associate or honorary member) who are not subject to the rights and obligations of members under the law and the Statute.
5. The convening of a General Meeting shall be notified at least 14 days in advance by e-mail and the quorum shall be independent of the number of participants.
6. The Supervisory Board (Meeting of Representatives) is responsible for the election, remuneration and oversight of the Management Board, approval of the budget, action plan and annual report.
7. The General Meeting elects five to seven Supervisory Board members for up to three years.
8. Members of the Supervisory Board may be removed if their activities fail to comply with the Code of Ethics or good practices and damage the reputation of NENO.
9. The Supervisory Board appoints one to three members to the Management Board for a term of up to three years.
10. In liquidation, the remaining assets are transferred to a legal person included in the list of non-profit associations, foundations and religious associations benefiting from income tax incentives, or to a legal person in public law.