
Helsingis tuleb loeng säästva arengu rahastamisest – 26.02

laine uudised-laine
14. Feb 2014

26. veebruaril arutletakse Helsingis toimuval loengul, kas ja kuidas on võimalik leida piisavalt rahastust säästva arengu toetamiseks. Loengu peab Simon Zadek. Kõik huvilised on oodatud, loeng on inglise keeles ja sisaldab kohvi.

Järgneb info inglise keeles, osalemiseks saad registreeruda siin: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/48378/lomake.html

The discipline of Development studies in cooperation with the UNDP and the EC is organizing a second Kapuscinski Development Lecture in Helsinki on Feb 26th 2014.

Time: 15.00-17.00 (coffee served at 14.45)

Location: University main building, small hall, 4th floor

The topic of the lecture is “Can we afford sustainable development? Effective ways to finance development” and the main speaker of the event is Mr. Simon Zadek, Co-Director of UNEP’s Inquiry into Design Options for a Sustainable Financial System initiative.

More about Mr. Zadek: http://www.zadek.net/publications/

Success of the event depends on the active participants and we since this is a great honor for the discipline to organize this event with the UNDP and the European Commission, we hope that many of you will show your support by participating in this event and taking part in the discussion as well. Kapuscinski development lectures are followed online in all parts of the world and it is wonderful that we, once again, have the opportunity to host such an event.

More about lecture topic:

Millions of active citizens and the world leaders are discussing what should be the development priorities in the coming decades. A consensus emerges on the need to ensure greater environmental sustainability in development. It is not yet however clear how the world should achieve these goals and what should be the financing mechanisms. More often the questions are raised on to the role of traditional donors and the official development assistance in supporting development. What are the ways to finance sustainable development? Simon Zadek’s Kapuscinski Development Lecture will answer these and other questions.

Top global thinkers deliver their Kapuscinski Lectures on development in the initiative organised by the European Commission, the United Nations Development Programme and partner universities.