On 20 November, the Advocacy Network met for the last time this year. Four different topics were on the agenda.
Maarja-Leena Saar from the Estonian Cooperation Assembly spoke about the practice and impact of the People’s Initiative collective petitions over 10 years. We got an insight on how professional advocacy practitioners could get involved in improving the user interface and the purpose of the popular initiative.
Teele Pehk and Maiu Lauring from the Centre for Democracy gave an overview of the People’s Assembly as a possible method of advocacy. In the discussion that followed the presentations, the network found that the main difficulty with both formats was getting to the political agenda. There are also problems getting feedback on initiatives.
The second half of the meeting was dedicated to discussing the strategic development of the NENO and setting the objectives of the advocacy network. The need for a sharper focus emerged as the issues to be addressed by our network in 2025. The themes that emerged were: