
Civicuse aastaaruandest saad teada, kuidas elab planeedi kodanikuühiskond

laine uudised-laine
3. Nov 2013

CIVICUS annab teada, et ilmunud on organisatsiooni aastaaruanne 2012-2013, mis võtab kokku tegevusaasta juulist juunini ning toob 20. aastapäeva puhul välja olulised verstapostid ja saavutused mitte ainult viimasest tegevusaastast, vaid kogu 20 aasta tegemistest. 

Järgnev kokkuvõte on inglise keeles, just nagu aruanne isegi:

A few of the highlights from the past year include:

  • Publication of the second annual CIVICUS State of Civil Society Report

  •  Convening of 641 participants from 100 countries in defining a new social contract at the CIVICUS World Assembly in Montreal, Canada

  • Support to 15 civil society partners under threat through the CIVICUS Crisis Response Fund

  • Endorsement of CIVICUS’ 2013-2017 strategic priorities by the membership and board after a participatory planning process

  • Ongoing advocacy for the protection of human rights and freedoms of expression and association through submissions to the universal periodic review process and research and analysis on threats to civil society around the world.

In this annual report you will see many examples of how we seek to strengthen citizen action and civil society and you will also see some hints of what is to come next for CIVICUS. We will continue to build on the solid foundations set during the last 20 years but will also start to experiment a little.

Finally, you may have noticed our slightly different logo: keeping all the elements from the past but refreshed and energised for the future. Our annual report too sports a slightly bolder and more dynamic look. We hope you enjoy it.

Thank you for your wonderful support, solidarity and commitment to strengthening citizen action and civil society. Here’s to another 20 years together!

Warm greetings,
Danny Sriskandarajah
Secretary-General, CIVICUS