Our Team

Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations

Telliskivi 60a, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia (Telliskivi Creative City, A3 building)
Phone +372 664 5077
E-mail info-at-heakodanik.ee
Bank details: Swedbank,  Tallinn, Liivalaia 8, 15040, Estonia
IBAN EE982200001120106317, SWIFT: HABAEE2X



Triin holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from TalTech and a Master’s degree in Political Science from Tallinn University. For a long time, she worked as the CEO of the Bullying Free School Foundation and has been involved in the work of several other NGOs in a smaller or larger role, as well as in her role as a freelance advisor to President Kersti Kaljulaid. Triin is an alumnus of the Youth to School (Noored Kooli) programme and still finds easy applications for her educational passion, both as an instructor of an information literacy course at secondary school and as a lecturer on civil society at university.


5554 0507 | andra-ät-heakodanik.ee

Andra is responsible for communication in NENO. She makes sure that the readers of our online magazine “Hea Kodanik“ and our Facebook page are up to date on the activities of the union, its members and civil society in general. Andra has a master’s degree in cultural and communication management and has previously worked in the field of communication and marketing for various museums for more than eight years. As a volunteer, Andra took part in music and theater festivals, Taimne teisipäev events and many more. Andra believes that sharing information about activities with partners and other interested parties helps to increase the significance of our union’s values and work.


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Marcus is responsible for advocating issues at NENO. Marcus has a bachelor’s degree in law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Tartu and is currently in the process of acquiring a master’s degree in educational management at Tallinn University. For a long time Marcus has led advocacy organizations in the field of education mostly, therefore he has a clear vision of how advocacy works in the CSO’s and what direction should be followed. He is convinced that the relations between civil society and the government should be more substantial in order to jointly contribute to the society’s development.



Heleene deals with members and networks. Everything to make members stand out in the activities of civil society and also to make the activities of the networks more visible and effective. In addition, Heleene runs a network of fundraisers. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in TalTech in Public Administration and Political Science and is a 14th Noored Kooli programme graduate. Heleene believes that openness, cooperation and setting common goals are the basics of a strong civil society.



My role as an advocacy specialist at the NENO is to support organisations in developing their advocacy capacity and to contribute to the development of advocacy skills in the voluntary sector. I have a degree in nursing and a master’s degree in social change management from the University of Tartu. Previously, I worked for a long time in the public sector, specifically in the Emergency Response Centre as a development expert, assessing service quality and participating in IT projects. I value the contribution of the voluntary sector to the functioning of society and would like to see the development of cross-sectoral cooperation.

People and organisations that also support us:

  • Alari Rammo – advocacy, law
  • Kaidi Pugal – accounting

We share office space with strong NGOs nooredkooli.ee, tagasikooli.ee, kiusamisvaba.ee, spinprogramm.ee, terveilm.ee, k6k.ee, nyh.ee, koosloome.ee, loomus.ee, feministeerium.ee, transinimesed.ee, muuseum.ee, stl.ee and others.

NENO (until 1997 the Estonian Foundation Centre, until 2018 EMSL) was led by: Ms Rita Tamm (1992-95), Ms Heli Kask (1995-96), Ms Heli Aru (1996-98), Ms Kadri Kopli (1998-2000), Ms Kristina Mänd (2000-05), Ms Marit Otsing (fixed term 2006), Mr Urmo Kübar (2006-13), Ms Maris Jõgeva (2013-17) and Ms Kai Klandorf (2018-2023).

See also who is on the Council of NENO and who represents NENO and its members on which committees and working groups.

Click here for the logos.

Many thanks to all the helpful friends, volunteers, trainers and consultants!