
Бесплатный тренинг на тему прав человека на англ.яз.

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17 Май 2011

From: InformaGiovani <info@informa-giovani.org>
Human rights for youth. Online training course

Associazione InformaGiovani

We are happy to announce the availability online of the training course "TRAINING PROGRAM ON HUMAN RIGHTS FOR MEMBERS AND VOLUNTEERS OF YOUTH ORGANISATIONS".

This project consists in an online training course on human rights and was created by a partnership of four European organisations (Respect, Catalunia, Spain- InformaGiovani, Italy — Global Youth Union, Armenia — Student Youth Council — Georgia) with the help of two collaborators (Flare network and International Peace Bureau).

The aim of it is to provide a training on human rights for members and volunteers from youth European organizations, to help them improve their knowledge and awareness on this issue and related fields (gender issues, social integration, democratic citizenship, refugees, immigrants, etc.).


    Introduction to human rights
    Fundamentals of human rights education
    The principles and values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    Universality of human rights
    Discrimination or equality?
    Human rights and Islam
    Gender and human rights
    Being on the right side – legality, the Mafias and us
    Indigenous people and their rights
    Migrants and their rights
    Rights of refugees and asylum seekers
    Children’s rights
    Right to information
    Democratic citizenship
    Peace education
    The role of human rights education in the process of global change


The methodology to be used when studying this training course is a practical and participative one. Each chapter contains theory and discussion questions or case studies. On this website you will find also some additional resources.


The training course can be downloaded free of charge from http://humanrightsforyouth.org

The participating organisations would like to thank the Council of Europe and the European Youth Foundation for financing this project and making it possible.