
Обучение о том, как проводить кампании и заниматься адвокацией в Италии. Рег. до 17.09.

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9 Сен 2013

Круглый стол в области развития сотрудничества / Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud сообщает, что грядет очередное обучение в рамках Grundtvig о том, как организовывать и проводить кампании, а также заниматься адвокацией (eestkostetöö). Для того, чтобы вам покрыли расходы на участие, нужно написать ходатайство и отослать его до 17.09. Возможно, что именно вашу кандидатуру одобрят. Ниже подробности на английском языке. Удачи!

Oxfam Italy is currently promoting  a Grundtvig In-service Training course for anyone interested in campaigning and advocacy. The application for funding deadline – 17th September 2013. Course title: How to influence influencers and leveraging the change. Campaining and advocacy for social justice. (Reference number IT-2014-1046-002)

Dates of current sessions

·         Arezzo, Italy (Tuscany) – Oxfam Italia

Session 1 – 27/01/2014; 31/01/2014

·         Milazzo, Italy (Sicily) — Oxfam Italia Sicily Office

Session 2 – 10/02/2014; 14/02/2014

This course provides a full 5-day training and development opportunity on how to effectively use advocacy and campaign techniques to influence influencers. Participants will be provided with updated concrete tools and methods which will allow them to understand the wider world around them and to understand how issues such as poverty, immigration and climate change can be effectively tackled with advocacy and campaign methods. At the end of the course the participants will feel more confident to use advocacy and campaigning techniques to inform their work and reach their objectives.

The methodology used during the course will bring together different activities and methodology. Participants will be able to “learn by doing” and have a hands on experience of a range of different, relative techniques and skills.

Who should attend?

Campaign and advocacy officers.

Where can I access funding?

The participation to the in-service training courses can be fully funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme. The courses are included in the Grundtvig/Comenius database http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase.

Therefore those who wish to participate can obtain a training grant to cover both the course fee and accommodation and subsistence costs. 

The deadline for the submission of the grant application to your National Agency is 17/09/2013.

For your convenience, our consultants will be happy to support you in preparing your grant application and providing you further assistance.

For more information about the courses please write an e-mail to: eac@oxfamitalia.org   

Areta Sobieraj
Education officer
Oxfam Italia
T. + 39 0575 182481 (centralino) — F. + 39 0575 1824872
skype: aretina77