Head välispoliitikahuvilised
Kutsume teid osalema Mondo Akadeemia vestlusõhtul Iraani ja USA suhetest. Üritus toimub 12. veebruaril kell 18 Mondo Maailmahariduskeskuses, Telliskivi 60a/5 (Vaba Lava vastas).
Pingeid Lähis-Idas käsitlevad Iraanist pärit TalTechi külalislektor Javad Keypour ning Sandra Peets Tallinna Ülikoolist. Üritus toimub inglise keeles ning on avatud kõikidele huvilistele.
In English:
Considering the recent tensions between Iran and the US, the Middle East continues to be in the news headlines. Even if de-escalation attempts work, the repercussion of the chain of events that the world experienced since the assassination of General Soleimani will not be insignificant and will not be vanished in the near future. These events are coinciding with Estonia’s increasing international presence. The very first task that the Estonian representatives in the UN Security Council will face is Iran’s game-changing activates. The future of NATO and the European Union’s security is also linked to the political shifts in the Middle East. Therefore, the sophisticated nature of the topic is a matter of special attention.
Javad Keypour is an Iranian visiting lecturer at Tallinn Law School, Tallinn University of Technology. He has been following the political situation in the Middle East for years and will analyze the situation according to the latest political stance from I.R.Iran and the United States sides.
Sandra Peets is a lecturer at Tallinn University (PhD, Studies of Cultures, Middle Eastern Literature and Cultures). Her special interest is Iran’s Foreign Policy and Political Identity.
Mondo Academy is a series of disicussions led by specialists on the topics of contemporary political relevance.
Ave-Marleen Rei
MTÜ Mondo